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Perry Field House


 The Perry Field House is a great space for athletic events, especially if an indoor facility is needed.  Not only is the space used for athletic purposes , but it can be used for other events such as career fairs and more.  The space really is versitle in terms of what the building can be used for.

Some great things about the PFH are the number of rentable areas seen here and the rates really are not that expensive.  Another great thing about the PFH is that it really is open to everyone.  Unless there is an event going on, students can come in for free.  The PFH offers a great alternative location for student sports.  If it is raining outside, the building provides areas needed in order to have a proper practice. 

Some things that the Perry Field House could improve on are the green/sustainable aspects of the building.  Although some things are being done to promote sustainabiliy, new technology can be added, such as solar panels and green roofs, to add to the sustainablity of the building.  Another thing that PFH could improve on is promotion of the facility.  Around campus, not a lot of advertising for the PFH is seen.  Many students may not know about the facility or what it could be used for.  

Overall, the PFH is a great space that can be used for many different things. Check out this video for the Perry Field House!

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