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In the field of tourism there are a few drawbacks when considering the world of changing technology.  First, with the movement the Internet and email, most processes only need a few messages to get things done.  This takes away from personal connections people make when trying to do something.  For example, who hires travel agents any more?  Websites like Travelocity and Expedia does everything for you.  Hence, travel agents has become a job that really doesn’t exist anymore.  Whelp! There goes that personal connection.

Secondly, another drawback of technology in the tourism field is that technology can be expensive.  With computers becoming “outdated” every 18 months or so, who has the money to constantly keep up with changing and advancing technology.  Now, I know that businesses really aren’t going to buy a new computer every year and a half but take into consideration the cost of updating software programs as well.  Also, in today’s world offices need more than computers.  They need copy and fax machines and printers as well.  Most of these may be a one time cost that needs replacing every few years, but wouldn’t it be cheaper to keep that personal connection and get rid of it all?

Even though there are some drawbacks to technology.  There are some positive aspects as well.  For example, getting information out quicker and to larger amounts of people than just your personal network.  The technology allows for the expansion of information eventually leading to globalization.  The website Constant Contact is a software program used to create an event and market it out to your online network.  Now, we all know that our online networks are larger than our personal networks.  Facebook allows us to have 5000 friends.  And think about how many people they are friends with.

Some strengths for this application are…

1. Its easy to use

2. It can link to Facebook and Twitter

3. and it looks professional

Some weaknesses are…

1.  There is a fee and

2. It takes away from handmade or personal invitations





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