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Archive for October, 2011

Perry Field House


 The Perry Field House is a great space for athletic events, especially if an indoor facility is needed.  Not only is the space used for athletic purposes , but it can be used for other events such as career fairs and more.  The space really is versitle in terms of what the building can be used for. […]

Stroh Center Reflection


  Frankly, I am a little disappointed in the Stroh Center.  I think it is a nice facility and all, but I think we could have done a lot more with the building.  Even though it would have cost more money it would have been beneficial for the Stroh Center to be able to be […]



In the field of tourism there are a few drawbacks when considering the world of changing technology.  First, with the movement the Internet and email, most processes only need a few messages to get things done.  This takes away from personal connections people make when trying to do something.  For example, who hires travel agents […]