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Program Statement


Building a New Eppler Center

Objectives– Create a streamlined building, Update capabilities of physical activity spaces

Basic Assumptions– Eppler is confusing and poorly built, Room temperatures are either freezing or boiling

Comparable Facility Analysis– Updated and easier to navigate

Factors Affecting Planning– Funding, community support, could update old building- 50% rule

Explanation of Current and Proposed Programming– New building allows for more activity rooms for PEG classes, dance or club sports.  Allow better space for student organizations and events.

Preliminary Data– Use for a certain number of classes each semester and a number of students

Space Needs and Allocation-Large, Medium and Small classrooms for adaptability, lower level activity areas, upper levels classrooms

Purpose and Use of Auxiliary Space– Ability to have more PEG classes, dance classes etc.  Use for student organization meetings and special events.

Service Facilities– Needs a frequently staffed office for room bookings for use of auxiliary space

Projected Use of Existing- Could use old building for offices, possibility of tearing down and rebuilding new in same location

Spatial Relationships- Make rooms big enough to avoid crowding, follow ADA guidelines on aisle ways etc.

Environmental Necessities– Incorporate various green features to keep building running at low cost to environment

Equipment and Furnishings– Need classroom seating, ability for audio visual equipment, lounge area furniture, activity room needs, lockers etc.

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