Posts Tagged ‘BGSU’

An advocation of moderation


While writing a story this summer, I interviewed a woman who uttered a quote that has lingered in my thoughts: “Everything is good in moderation — including moderation.”

She chuckled, continued the conversation, and I logged the statement in the back of my mind.

Although I never used her quote in my story — it was relevant to our trust-building small talk, but not my assignment — the borderline cliché is arguably the most influential thing a source said to me during my summer internship at The Columbus Dispatch.

I wonder, is it true?

Would it be best if all things were done in moderation? Or is it acceptable to occasionally succumb to the instinct to overindulge?

In my experiences, I’d argue the latter. Although we know moderation is good and usually desired, often we don’t realize it until we’re analyzing a situation in clearer hindsight.

It’s human nature to enjoy something in excess if it’s available. And each time we overindulge, during our analysis we’re reminded how important it is to moderate. Hence, the concept of “moderating moderation.”

Many of us have seen friends have too many alcoholic drinks in one sitting or children consume their entire bag of Halloween candy in one night. Likewise, most Bowling Green State University students have heard stories of best friends who chose to live together during college and, by the end of the semester, couldn’t stand to look at one another.

We all know how those stories end: with hangovers, tummy aches and hurt feelings.

These things, understandably, sound very negative. However, I think these unfortunate circumstances serve as necessary reminders to keep people on track.

Occasionally splurging makes a moment memorable — a celebratory bar crawl,  a night of downtown trick-or-treating or the months spent getting to know a new friend every day — but doesn’t constitute an everyday lifestyle.

Eventually, however, that splurging makes us learn that balance is key.

We soon realize the buzz from an alcoholic beverage every few weeks is better than daily binging, that eating only one piece of candy per day makes it taste that much sweeter, and that days spent away from friends make days spent with them much more meaningful.

I’m curious: What do you guys think?

Is it OK to moderate moderation? Is there anything in which a person can overindulge at no cost, or is less best in most situations?

Feel free to leave a comment and join the discussion.

Anonymous Twitter trolls take insults too far


When you visualize a “troll,” what do you see?

It probably isn’t a furry creature of folklore lurking under a bridge or a plastic doll with an unkempt hairdo from the 1960s.

The birth of the Internet and its subsequent population by thousands of bitter, crafty pranksters have significantly altered the meaning of the ages-old word “troll.”

Does a blog reader keep posting negative comments? Troll.

Do you click on a link expecting to find a risqué website and find a sub-par music video instead? Troll.

Although “trolling situations” sometimes make for good conversation (and a pretty funny meme, pictured above), anonymous trolls sometimes take seemingly harmless insults too far. And with its global reach and quick, easy-to-use platform, Twitter is the perfect tool for trolls to attack their feeble targets.

On a college campus, where free time is abundant for some less-than-average students and wit is in high supply, campus-themed Twitter accounts sprout up like springtime daisies. The anonymous students manning the accounts quickly gain a reputation with the student body, utilizing inside jokes and quirky insults to poke fun at college-specific characteristics.

Some people may think they’re funny. But to me, most of them are just trolls.

The trolls have invaded Bowling Green State University, with accounts @Falcon_Problems and @OnlyatBGSU dominating for at least a year and @BGslutz, @Vagina_Rock, @BGSU_Squirrels, @FrattytheFalcon and @McFAILCenter playing catch-up in comparison. A handful of other accounts exist.

While the first two accounts often make me chuckle — admittedly, I follow them to my phone — the rest rarely do. Often, they’re just outlandish. Sometimes, they’re sexist and politically incorrect. Frequently they’re just plain mean and trying way too hard.

I don’t blame them for trying — after all, seeing the two successful accounts gaining so much respect on the Internet must fuel a desire for a piece of the egotism pie. And with Twitter’s shield of anonymity preventing any real-world backlash, what’s the harm?

Unfortunately, these anonymous accounts can inflict much more damage than their fledgling operators realize.

The victims: The older man, a non-traditional student whose picture is circulating as you mock him. The school Quidditch team and Anime club, as you poke fun at their passions. The women, Greeks, gays and freshmen whose stereotypes you perpetuate. The student journalist who wrote a story you criticized without even reading.

(Yeah, the last one is me.)

To me, a successful joke doesn’t require insulting someone in the process. I think this is why @Falcon_Problems and @OnlyatBGSU succeed among BGSU students, while the other BGSU-themed accounts, relying almost solely on insults, fall short.

As we’ve discussed in this class, to successfully utilize social media, the golden rule is “think before you post.” Even if your account is anonymous, this rule still applies.


I plan to expand on this topic in my weekly Wednesday column for The BG News. Comment with any feedback, questions or suggestions that may be helpful for the final product.


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