Unit 3: Professional Literacies

Unit Three we made a resume and cover letter for a job that we would like to have.  A career in which after graduation we would be qualified for or have a special connection in getting this job.  We then had to make a resume pertaining to that job and a cover letter written to someone within that job. This project was the perfect project for me because this will help after graduating in finding the right job, or help with making a better resume. After making the resume, we had to focus on a main literacy and write a “re-seeing” litaracy.  I chose to “re-see,” on a website.  The website is called VisualCV and this allows students to place their resume online for furture employers to see. 

Resume: eng207-resume_project1

Re-Seeing Literacy: http://www.visualcv.com/abremer  

          Re-Seeing Reflection:  eng207-reseeing_reflection1

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