February 6, 2009 Activity 1

My ideal reader for each approach would be college students. I chose college students because they know exactly what I am going through with everyday life, and I feel that the people who do not have the opportunity and are not as fortunate as I am to attend a University can not relate to some of the feelings or emotions I am going through just being at college. We share the same values and have the same goals. Whether our goals are just to graduate on time or graduate at all, getting involved on campus, or just our goal to get through these next four years of our lives.

I believe in my literacy people can relate to what I am talking about and can share the same story I will be sharing.


February 4, 2009 Homework

Five Viable Topics for my Literacy: I know which topic I would like to do so I am going to only write about this one.

1. Parents- My parents pay for college and many other things in my life and always have been supportive of me in everything I do. They have taught me so much about life and are the biggest role in my development as a literate person. They obviously taught me to read, write, talk, and many other great literacy acts.

My parents sponsor my literacy

Their role in my life is parents, friend, role models, family, and teacher.

Competitions were growing up with my siblings I have 3 older siblings.

Allowing me to choose to go to college and expand on my literacy by paying for me to attend and always being a big part in my life as a growing adult.

I can not wait to write about my parents helping me to become the literate person I am today.


February 4, 2009

I believe a narrative deals a lot with Literacy.  Narrative is a story or short essay that is shared with people.  This narrative can be true or false, and are usually interesting.  I do not believe I have ever written a narrative before, I am sure I have and not known that this it what it was called.  I used to think narratives were a story that had narrators. Now that I am grown up I realize not all stories have narrators. 


Visual Narrative Feedback

I had some good feedback from my group members.  I am planning on doing the story of my life and focusing on the literacies I used as a kid and grew up with and then in return teaching these literacies to my nephews or anyone else around me.  Talor made a good comment that I should show the differences in what I grew up with and how my nephews are growing up.  I grew up with books and maybe one computer in the house while my nephews are watching Finding Nemo DVD’s and watching them on their parents lap tops.  This can show the different technology that is being used to help raise our children.  Such as; the Little Einstein movies or special toys that are helping them learn different languages. Dora was a big hit and she is teaching literacy in a different language and the kids now are using this in their daily lives.  I hope to put all this information onto a DVD and show everyone how I grew up and how I am paying it forward to the kids below me.

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January 30, 2009

My visual narrative seems so complex in my head because I want to put so much down, but know that it can only be about 5 minutes long.  I am doing a movie maker, and I am using the story of my life.  How I grew up with learning, reading, writing, listening, and understanding.  Then after I get through with my story I want to show how I use these tools that I have learned to teach others how to do this as well, for example my nephews.  They are both around 1 years old, and they are learning things daily and I would like to capture that in my visual narrative.


Question to CC

Can everything you do and write be copywrited? For example, a diary, what I write in a journal or in notes can that be copywrited if someone were to use my notes or diary?


January 26, 2008

A good visual narrative for me is something that keeps me interested.  The first one that we looked at in class that was more of a powerpoint of pictures and writing did not keep me interested.  I love watching how creative people were getting with iMovie or movie maker.  Their ideas were exactly how I want to do my narrative.  I would like to do an imovie or movie maker because I think I can express myself better through a movie and not just text and powerpoint.  Powerpoint is something we use for classes all the time so this is the time to get creative and actually do something that makes me interested.

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January 23, 2009

I think we use visuals because people grasp concepts better with seeing what is being said.  I am currently taking a health communications class, and the saying we use in there is, “tell me once, and I will forget.  Show me once and I may forget.  Involve me once and I will remember.”  I have always been  a hands on learner and by telling me I do not understand but showing me how it is done I know exactly how to do it.

The roles it plays in communications are learning, understanding, and comprehending.  In communications we learn that the way to communicate is through sending and receiving a message.  When a message is being sent through visuals it is easier to get that message to be received and understood.

Visuals are everywhere, especially now that technology is booming.  We use computers, cell phones, TV’s, and many other visual aids to get through life.  Visuals is how we get the product sold or the point across.  We use visuals to get our word out to many others and I will continue to use visuals in my future for as long as I can.


What forms of literacy do I perform?

List of literacy acts I perform in an average week:

1.  Emailing-I email daily to my Grandmother she is all about the computer she emails my sisters, brother, and I.  And of course my teachers and others in BG.

2.  Texting- I text everyday to family and friends.

3. Reading- I read Cosmo every month and it takes about every week to read one magazine.  I am also taking another Literature class so other books are also required.


Week I: Post I

What do I expect from this class? When thinking about this question it was hard for me to come up with an answer, becuase I have never been an English person.  I love English, but for some reason I can not write, therefore, when having to take this class for IPC majors I was not thrilled.  I thought “oh no, not another English class.”  So far this class has been interesting and I hope it continues, so what I want from this class is to  become a better writer.

What is Literacy?  I could not give you a definition.  I looked this word up on Dictionary.com and this is what it states…”noun the ability to read and write.” When looking at this definition it seems obvious what literacy is.  Literacy is something we inheret or are priviledged to have.

Why do we write?  Some people write to get their thoughts and feelings out, others write to relieve stress.  I write because I have to.  I can write in a journal or diary and there will be misspelled words, and thoughts will come out, but if I was told what to write it would never come.

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