Computers in school

It is essential to education that computers must be in the school.  Computers help students learn how to research on websites using the internet on a computer.  Computers also help with typing skills, and reading skills.  Some students get information off of databases that are also online.  Students also learn well with “hands on” activities, therefore if you are accessible to computers it is easier for them to learn.  Not only are they important for students, but also important because my father and brother both work for Hewlett-Packard and with having computers in schools helps keep their jobs! 🙂

Part II: Audience-Blind Date

What do you think about computers in schools?  Well, I think computers are important to have in schools because it helps student in the long run.  Students with access to a computer will become better students, because they will learn more about research, typing, and reading.  All of these things will help their literacy with just having atleast 1 computer in the school.

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PSA Criteria

Criteria for PSA:

  • Teamwork-all members must be working together to get the project done.
  • Creativity-thinking of something that no one else can think of
  • Well thought out- does it look like there was thought into this
  • Theme- is everything flowing together
  • Sponsor- Having someone sponsor your PSA
  • Catchy- are people going to be caught by this and have questions
  • Contact information
  • Good message- Need something that will stick out in peoples minds

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PSA Assignment

For our PSA assigntment I wanted to do something like the “Think before you post” subject, but then talking with our group on friday we came up with a pretty good idea.  Here are some of our options.

Topic One:  Texting too much you miss what is right in front of you.

Topic two:  Think before you post

Topic Three:  Think about what your saying before you say it.

We chose to work with topic one: texting too much and our message is if you are too focused on your text message you miss what is around you.  Audience is frequent text message users.  Mostly College student because we are planning this around campus.  And we are making a video.


PSA Analysis

How do the actors portray the message? They portray the message that this can happen to anyone.  It also shows that once one person gets the image thousands of others can reach it as well. 

What persuasive techniques are used? Teenagers are used to get the message out to adolescence around the world who are posting images onto their blogs, myspaces, or facebook.

What role does the voiceover play? This plays as the adult in the room.  The knowledgable person that knows whats right and wrong. 

How is text used on the screen? Simple, but powerful


Litarcy Statistics

These litarcy statistics are quite sad.  I know that when I was in fourth grade I was in a special reading class called “chapter one reading.”  This made me feel so bad about myself that I was not able to read as well as the others.  My dad would read us a story every night, therefore I do not believe it is the parents fault whether they read to you or not.  I just did not care for reading.  I could read every word, but I just didnt comprehend what I was reading. 

I used to babysit a girl who had Cerebral Palsy and am still very good friends of the family, but she can read and is one of the smartest 9 year olds I have ever met.  She has read all of the Twilight series.  I have not even thought about reading those because they do not strike my fancy. 

I do not think that the Adults and Literacy, Health and Literacy, and Employment literacy are relavant because if you are getting a job you would have had to have some type of educational background.  Maybe the education is what is the problem with our literacy in younger ages. 

When getting a career you would have had to gone to college.  If you graduated from college you should be able to take the required work-related training. 

These statistics are outragous.



It seems that we talk about technology and how rapidly it is growing in every class.  Technology is so important to our lives because we are used to it.  If we had to go back to the typewriter we would all have to go back to school just to learn how to use it.  There are advantages to technology like the speed.  You can recieve weather updates hour by hour on line or even get them sent to your phone if a thunderstorm is coming.  We can have a cell phone, music, email, and many other features all on one little machine. 

Disadvantages always bring me back to the book 1984, where we can all get traced back to our phone calls and people can find us anywhere because everyone is watching us.  People can tap into your technology and find you which can be a scary thought or a good one.  Onstar in the cars are great for when a person gets in a car accident and needs traced to get help.  That is a good thing to this disadvantage. 

My grandma how is almost 80 just got an iTouch! I was so jealous of her.  She loves the new technology so much that she is on facebook.  My boyfriend had something dirty on his facebook and he called me just to tell me he deleted it before my grandma saw what was on there.  Isnt that crazy that we have to worry about our grandmothers seeing what is on our facebooks now?


Peer Review Reflection

Peer reflection are sometimes scary.  You never want to show your work with your classmates just in case they may be a better writer than you, but this can also be good for you because if they are a better writer than you they may help your paper.  Peer work shop days can be brutal, however they help you in the long run.  I like peer review workshops if the person I am set up with helps me with creative ideas or helps with the structure of the paper.  I am very sensitive so if someone were to say something that would hurt my feelings I could get sad, and not like peer review days.  I hope this peer review day works well for me 🙂


Monster Blog

I drew a very famous Monster. He is a green circular guy, and has a best friend who is Big, Fluffy, and Blue.  This is a great monster for children and shows kids that not all closets are scary…Boo!

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What makes a good literacy narrative?

A litearcy narrative should tell a story or an event that was meaningful to you and share this story through words, movements, objects, technology however you would like to share your thoughts.  For example, Literacy Narrative that I am going to share is about a time in my life that I needed my parents the most, therefore, I am going to write about it for class. 

What makes a good literacy? Organization, creativity, thoughtfulness, background information to keep the story flowing, and of course it needs to be written or shown.


February 6, 2009 Activity 2

“Language existing in other people’s mouths before it exists in ours.”  This quote to me means that we learn from others.  We are expected to pick up things just from the people around us.  They know something before it can actually reach us to understand.  Once we learn what this specific thing is we can teach it to others and then they can teach what they have learned to the people below them.  This is all a cycle of “paying it forward.”

This connects to my literacy project because my parents knew something before me and have taught me everything they knew and now that I am growing into an adult I can teach their same values to my children or the people younger than myself.

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