
I think revision is always a good idea.  I know that I have revised a few papers in the past, and needed to get better after the first draft was handed in.  Revision gives you the second chance that everyone deserves.  Revising something gets more ideas or adds better quality to the paper.

Although, revisions are great and a good way to get a better grade.  I hope that when I hand this paper in for the first time that it will be good the first time.


Peer review discussion

I dont really like peer reveiws, but I think they went well.  I like my writing group a lot and If I need help I know who to go to. 

I do not think peer review days are good because no one wants to be “that person” that critiques someone elses work and then they are thought of as the jerk. I still have no idea what to do with my paper, but I will figure it out.

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Problems I have with rhetoric analysis

What questions do I have? Am I doing this right?  I feel like I am just blabbing on about this PSA and dont really have an organization going on.

What am I struggling with?  I do not have the right “flow” I have a thesis and am following that but then I dont know where to put the questions like “why is the author doing this” or “Why did they choose to make this funny?”  I am also struggling with finding the right words.  I tend to go on and on about wearing condoms and how they are safe and blah blah but then never really go back to analysing the PSA.  I am have a tough time but I am sure I will get through this…hopefully 🙁

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Citing PSA

“The greatest condom commercial.” August 10, 2007. Youtube. Video. 23 March 2009>.

In Text:


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Grading Criteria

Some criteria for grading our rhetorical PSA:

  1. Well written (needs to be at good standard)
  2. organized (thesis, and shows that it was well though out)
  3. description of your PSA (we should know what your PSA is talking about just by reading your rhetorical analysis)
  4. Interesting to read (catches my eye, and keeps the audience interested)
  5. Give details or examples
  6. Use the rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) this will help with interests
  7. Answers the questions like “Why did they do this PSA?” Why did they choose to make this funny?”

This assignment seems hard right now, but I am sure that when I start writing and getting information into my head it will become easier.


PSA Rhetorical PSA

I wanted to do this PSA because when I first saw this on television I fell inlove. I am a health promotion minor with a focus on safer sex, therefore when seeing these commercials for safer sex they stick in my mind. I think that they make something so real life into something humorous where we all can relate.

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Rhetorical Analysis similarities/differences

Rhetorical Analysis in each of the given examples all seem to flow the same way to me.  Starting with the introduction they get right to the point and discuss what they are examining.  In the sample we looked in class it was straight to the point and we knew exactly what the essay was going to talk about.  Unlike, some of our essays where we have to drag on in the introduction to get people up to speed about what is going to be discussed.  Starting with some background information and other things just to get the reader on our page.  With these analysis they seem to just expect you to know what they are talking about in the first couple sentences.

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Spring Break

Oh spring break…This spring break was nothing that has ever been done before in my family.  The past Thursday before spring break my oldest sister Lori had a son named Landon Dixon.  We knew he was coming on MArch 5th because she had a c-section date.  However, my first neice was born on March 13.  Her name is Remington Lyn.  She was diagnosed with down syndrome early in the pregnancy and so we were all antsy to see her.  She is very beautiful and can not wait for the growing years we will have together.  I already love both of my new additions to the family.  I now have 3 nephews and 1 neice all under the age of 2.  I wonder when I can add to this family.  I hope not too soon, but soon after graduation.  I love being an Aunt, but maybe someday I will love to be a mom too!

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PSA relating to Literacy

I think this PSA is related to literacy because you are using the helpful tools of literacy, for example, we used a camera, computer, cell phones, and many other tools to get this PSA finished.  PSA gets information out to the public using many different ideas and we used those ideas to get this whole project done.


PSA thoughts

I think this PSA is fun so far, but it seems like there is a lot more work to be done than I originally thought.  We are entitled to an analysis, script, storyboard, and on top of that find time where we can actually meet all together.  Although we have already met and made the video this weekend.  The video is going to be fun in making it and editing it, but as far as the extra work its hard to get done especially right before spring break when all I want to do is be done! he he he 🙂 

Yay for PSA’s

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