1. My Portfolio Introduction

     This portfolio was made to showcase the work I have accomplished for Intermediate Writing or English 207.  This class had three units and in each unit there were two projects.  Each project dealt with literacy and what literacy meant to us or how we used literacy in our daily lives. First unit was made up of a Visual Literacy and Personal Literacy.  For the visual literacy I decided to video tape what literacy’s I have grown up with throughout my life.  I started out with some pictures of when I was younger, and gradually moved to how I taught my literacy acts that I had growing up to my nephews now.  This project was made using Pinnacle which is a program to make movies.  Not only was I talking about how I use literacy I was also practicing a literacy while making the project.  Second unit dealt with Public Service Announcements (PSA’s).  The first project we worked in a writing group and came up with our own PSA, that you will later see.  Our PSA was to help students realize how the BGalert system really helps students campus wide. The other project was a Rhetorical Analysis.  For this project we chose our favorite PSA and analysed why the authors made the decisions they did in order to make this PSA so successful.  Third Unit was about resume writing.  We first made a resume if we have not made one yet, and a cover letter.  We chose a job that we would be qualified for after graduation or a job that we can get now, and apply for it using the resume and cover letter made in class.  After we made the resume and cover letter our last project was about re-seeing our literacy in the resume made.  We had a main focus on what type of literacy we have accomplished and this was to make that pop out on paper, therefore I made a website called VisualCV which you will see later on.  

     This portfolio’s main goal is to allow my audience to view my overall course work.  The portfolio should be an easy flow for readers to come visit my page and click around. My intentions were to keep the readers interested and make them believe I am a literate person. 

     This portfolio demonstrates my learning throughout the semester by not only showing you every blog entry I have done for this class, but also my improvements throughout the way.  Although I am not doing any revisions, because of time constraints there are projects that I am very proud of, and glad that I was enrolled in English 207.  When coming into the class I thought of literacy as something that is nerdy and always thought of myself and an illiterate person.  I never liked to read or write, especially for school.  This all changed when I came to this class.  This class has taught me that literacy means reading and writing, but it also means communicating, texting, emailing, talking on the phone, blogging, facebooking, etc.  These literacy acts was stuff that I did all day, and never knew that it was literacy.  I was a literate person after all. 

    I now would like to personally welcome you to my portfolio.  Please feel free to browse around and find the interesting topics and projects I have made throughout this semester.  Good Luck!

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