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February 6, 2009 Activity 1

My ideal reader for each approach would be college students. I chose college students because they know exactly what I am going through with everyday life, and I feel that the people who do not have the opportunity and are not as fortunate as I am to attend a University can not relate to some […]


February 4, 2009 Homework

Five Viable Topics for my Literacy: I know which topic I would like to do so I am going to only write about this one. 1. Parents- My parents pay for college and many other things in my life and always have been supportive of me in everything I do. They have taught me so […]


February 4, 2009

I believe a narrative deals a lot with Literacy.  Narrative is a story or short essay that is shared with people.  This narrative can be true or false, and are usually interesting.  I do not believe I have ever written a narrative before, I am sure I have and not known that this it what […]


Visual Narrative Feedback

I had some good feedback from my group members.  I am planning on doing the story of my life and focusing on the literacies I used as a kid and grew up with and then in return teaching these literacies to my nephews or anyone else around me.  Talor made a good comment that I […]

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January 30, 2009

My visual narrative seems so complex in my head because I want to put so much down, but know that it can only be about 5 minutes long.  I am doing a movie maker, and I am using the story of my life.  How I grew up with learning, reading, writing, listening, and understanding.  Then […]


Question to CC

Can everything you do and write be copywrited? For example, a diary, what I write in a journal or in notes can that be copywrited if someone were to use my notes or diary?


January 26, 2008

A good visual narrative for me is something that keeps me interested.  The first one that we looked at in class that was more of a powerpoint of pictures and writing did not keep me interested.  I love watching how creative people were getting with iMovie or movie maker.  Their ideas were exactly how I […]

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January 23, 2009

I think we use visuals because people grasp concepts better with seeing what is being said.  I am currently taking a health communications class, and the saying we use in there is, “tell me once, and I will forget.  Show me once and I may forget.  Involve me once and I will remember.”  I have […]


What forms of literacy do I perform?

List of literacy acts I perform in an average week: 1.  Emailing-I email daily to my Grandmother she is all about the computer she emails my sisters, brother, and I.  And of course my teachers and others in BG. 2.  Texting- I text everyday to family and friends. 3. Reading- I read Cosmo every month […]


Week I: Post I

What do I expect from this class? When thinking about this question it was hard for me to come up with an answer, becuase I have never been an English person.  I love English, but for some reason I can not write, therefore, when having to take this class for IPC majors I was not […]

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