PSA Criteria

Criteria for PSA:

  • Teamwork-all members must be working together to get the project done.
  • Creativity-thinking of something that no one else can think of
  • Well thought out- does it look like there was thought into this
  • Theme- is everything flowing together
  • Sponsor- Having someone sponsor your PSA
  • Catchy- are people going to be caught by this and have questions
  • Contact information
  • Good message- Need something that will stick out in peoples minds

One thought on “PSA Criteria

  1. bcottri Said,

    February 23, 2009@ 11:58 am      

    Teamwork is an awesome addition to the list, Ashley. I think that’s something very few people thought of in their lists and am glad you brought it up here and inc lass. Nice work.

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