
It seems that we talk about technology and how rapidly it is growing in every class.  Technology is so important to our lives because we are used to it.  If we had to go back to the typewriter we would all have to go back to school just to learn how to use it.  There are advantages to technology like the speed.  You can recieve weather updates hour by hour on line or even get them sent to your phone if a thunderstorm is coming.  We can have a cell phone, music, email, and many other features all on one little machine. 

Disadvantages always bring me back to the book 1984, where we can all get traced back to our phone calls and people can find us anywhere because everyone is watching us.  People can tap into your technology and find you which can be a scary thought or a good one.  Onstar in the cars are great for when a person gets in a car accident and needs traced to get help.  That is a good thing to this disadvantage. 

My grandma how is almost 80 just got an iTouch! I was so jealous of her.  She loves the new technology so much that she is on facebook.  My boyfriend had something dirty on his facebook and he called me just to tell me he deleted it before my grandma saw what was on there.  Isnt that crazy that we have to worry about our grandmothers seeing what is on our facebooks now?

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