Week I: Post I

What do I expect from this class? When thinking about this question it was hard for me to come up with an answer, becuase I have never been an English person.  I love English, but for some reason I can not write, therefore, when having to take this class for IPC majors I was not thrilled.  I thought “oh no, not another English class.”  So far this class has been interesting and I hope it continues, so what I want from this class is to  become a better writer.

What is Literacy?  I could not give you a definition.  I looked this word up on Dictionary.com and this is what it states…”noun the ability to read and write.” When looking at this definition it seems obvious what literacy is.  Literacy is something we inheret or are priviledged to have.

Why do we write?  Some people write to get their thoughts and feelings out, others write to relieve stress.  I write because I have to.  I can write in a journal or diary and there will be misspelled words, and thoughts will come out, but if I was told what to write it would never come.

One thought on “Week I: Post I

  1. bcottri Said,

    January 15, 2009@ 5:59 pm      

    Ashley R,

    You gave a classic response. You said:
    “I love English, but for some reason I can not write…”
    You do realize that you just wrote an entire blog entry, right? And in saying that you cannot write you wrote, right? I think you’ll like this class because that’s one of the ideas I want to help people get away from.

    Also, I would strongly recommend that you keep thinking about the ideas of literacy as something we inherit or are privileged to have. Those are GREAT points and will be interesting to discuss.

    Nice work!

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