Visual Narrative Feedback

I had some good feedback from my group members.  I am planning on doing the story of my life and focusing on the literacies I used as a kid and grew up with and then in return teaching these literacies to my nephews or anyone else around me.  Talor made a good comment that I should show the differences in what I grew up with and how my nephews are growing up.  I grew up with books and maybe one computer in the house while my nephews are watching Finding Nemo DVD’s and watching them on their parents lap tops.  This can show the different technology that is being used to help raise our children.  Such as; the Little Einstein movies or special toys that are helping them learn different languages. Dora was a big hit and she is teaching literacy in a different language and the kids now are using this in their daily lives.  I hope to put all this information onto a DVD and show everyone how I grew up and how I am paying it forward to the kids below me.

2 thoughts on “Visual Narrative Feedback

  1. bcottri Said,

    February 1, 2009@ 10:13 am      

    This sounds like a really interesting project, Ashley! I’ll be excited to see your project.

  2. alanaj Said,

    February 4, 2009@ 10:33 am      

    I think your idea for your visual narrative assignment is really neat. I really like the way you are going to compare the way you used literacy growing up versus the way your younger nephews are now learning. It will be interesting to see what you come up with!

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