January 26, 2008

A good visual narrative for me is something that keeps me interested.  The first one that we looked at in class that was more of a powerpoint of pictures and writing did not keep me interested.  I love watching how creative people were getting with iMovie or movie maker.  Their ideas were exactly how I want to do my narrative.  I would like to do an imovie or movie maker because I think I can express myself better through a movie and not just text and powerpoint.  Powerpoint is something we use for classes all the time so this is the time to get creative and actually do something that makes me interested.

One thought on “January 26, 2008

  1. jilians Said,

    January 26, 2009@ 10:54 am      

    You made a really good point, Ashley. I think that keeping the audience interested is a really important part of any presentation, but especially for this visual narrative. I also agree when you point out that we use PowerPoints so often for classes–for projects and during lectures–that it is entirely too overdone. When people see that there is a PowerPoint, there is already an idea in their head of what it will be like. I look forward to seeing your visual narrative. I personally can’t use Movie Maker or iMovie but I think it’s great when people use those for class projects! I’m sure yours will be great, especially since you already know that you want to make yours more interesting.

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