Project Proposal

1.  For my final project I am going to focus on _communication as a peer educator_ literacy because: This is something that I value not only as a student but as a person too.  I believe having this on my resume will make me stand out from all the rest and will help me succeed as a scholar. 



2. This is a literacy because: Communication to me is the biggest and most important litercy to have.  Without communication you can no longer speak to anyone or write.  You may be able to read to yourself and understand yourself but without communicating with others, your literacy will fail. 



3. Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy right now in your life right now (in other words, what role does the literacy in question one play in your life)? Communication is something that we encounter everyday, whether you are speaking with teachers, friends, family, or others you will be communicating.  I am communicating right now through this blog because when I publish this someone will then read what I have to say and register it.  This is the process of communicating with sending and recieving a message.



4. Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal lives.  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their professional lives. Communication or presenting can be used to give presentations to fellow peers or even to your boss.  Presentations in the work force can happen everyday.  I know my dad and brother have conference calls daily and to me this is a type of presentation you may have to present your work to the higher level person. 



6. How do you plan to demonstrate your literacy? I plan to demonstrate this literacy by getting myself video taped while giving a presentation to a class room.  This will show the skills I have in presenting and will also show the importance of communication.



7. What questions do you have about this project? I do not have questions right now, but I am sure I will in the future.


8.  Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project.

  1. Choosing a date when to be video taped (Monday April 20th)
  2. Picking a presentation to give to the class (Tuesday April 21st)
  3. Edit video (Wednesday April 22nd)
  4. Write reflection (Thursday/ Friday April 23/24)
  5. Get Things Done for Portfolio!!

2 thoughts on “Project Proposal

  1. robharr Said,

    April 17, 2009@ 10:16 am      

    Looks like you have a good topic for this paper. I agree how communication is the most important literacy. You also did a great job on describing how you use it in everyday life. Nice job and good luck writing it.

  2. bcottri Said,

    April 18, 2009@ 8:56 am      

    I think this will be a great idea and look forward to seeing your final project. If you find it difficult to get someone to video tape you presenting or don’t have a presentating you might consider doing a pretend presentation. If you need a space to do it let me know. I can try to reserve the lab after our class or maybe we can use a seminar room in East Hall.

    If questions come up do let me know. Nice work.

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