Peer review discussion

I dont really like peer reveiws, but I think they went well.  I like my writing group a lot and If I need help I know who to go to. 

I do not think peer review days are good because no one wants to be “that person” that critiques someone elses work and then they are thought of as the jerk. I still have no idea what to do with my paper, but I will figure it out.

One thought on “Peer review discussion

  1. bcottri Said,

    March 29, 2009@ 10:58 am      

    I’m sorry you didn’t feel like you got enough help on your essay through peer review. I think that you’re right, no one wants to be a jerk, but giving constructive criticisms can be done in a way that isn’t jerk-ish. Let me know if you have questions.

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