Problems I have with rhetoric analysis

What questions do I have? Am I doing this right?  I feel like I am just blabbing on about this PSA and dont really have an organization going on.

What am I struggling with?  I do not have the right “flow” I have a thesis and am following that but then I dont know where to put the questions like “why is the author doing this” or “Why did they choose to make this funny?”  I am also struggling with finding the right words.  I tend to go on and on about wearing condoms and how they are safe and blah blah but then never really go back to analysing the PSA.  I am have a tough time but I am sure I will get through this…hopefully 🙁

One thought on “Problems I have with rhetoric analysis

  1. Brittany Said,

    March 25, 2009@ 1:06 pm      

    Without seeing a draft I’m not sure I can really speak to ways to specifically address your problems. However, let me suggest that you work on getting the ideas down first and then think about how best to present the ideas. Keep in mind the importance of transitions also.

    As for your fear that you’re just talking about why condoms are important, remember that you’re not critiquing the message or the point the PSA is trying to make but you’re analyzing how the creator of the PSA is getting their message across. Is the PSA successful at making it’s point? Why? That might be another way of considering the assignment.

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

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