Rhetorical Analysis similarities/differences

Rhetorical Analysis in each of the given examples all seem to flow the same way to me.  Starting with the introduction they get right to the point and discuss what they are examining.  In the sample we looked in class it was straight to the point and we knew exactly what the essay was going to talk about.  Unlike, some of our essays where we have to drag on in the introduction to get people up to speed about what is going to be discussed.  Starting with some background information and other things just to get the reader on our page.  With these analysis they seem to just expect you to know what they are talking about in the first couple sentences.

One thought on “Rhetorical Analysis similarities/differences

  1. jilians Said,

    March 18, 2009@ 9:43 am      


    You did a great job summarizing what a rhetorical analysis contains. I hadn’t thought of what you said about getting straight to the point, but that definitely is how a rhetorical analysis is built. I think that is how a rhetorical analysis ought to be when considering the audience and content of a rhetorical analysis. Great job!


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