Spring Break

Oh spring break…This spring break was nothing that has ever been done before in my family.  The past Thursday before spring break my oldest sister Lori had a son named Landon Dixon.  We knew he was coming on MArch 5th because she had a c-section date.  However, my first neice was born on March 13.  Her name is Remington Lyn.  She was diagnosed with down syndrome early in the pregnancy and so we were all antsy to see her.  She is very beautiful and can not wait for the growing years we will have together.  I already love both of my new additions to the family.  I now have 3 nephews and 1 neice all under the age of 2.  I wonder when I can add to this family.  I hope not too soon, but soon after graduation.  I love being an Aunt, but maybe someday I will love to be a mom too!

2 thoughts on “Spring Break

  1. tctoney Said,

    March 16, 2009@ 9:40 am      

    congrats on being an aunt! thats so excited. i only have a little sister so ill have to wait a while before i get to have any nieces or nephews.

  2. lpate Said,

    March 16, 2009@ 9:43 am      

    Wow! Congrats!!! That is so exciting 🙂 My oldest brother hasn’t had kids yet, but I am so excited to be an Aunt too! With that said… I am also excited to one day be a mom as well. Like you… I hope it is not too soon… but after graduation and getting a career started, I would like to be a mom too. It is neat that your family has so many young babies now… I am sure that is a ton of fun!

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