PSA thoughts

I think this PSA is fun so far, but it seems like there is a lot more work to be done than I originally thought.  We are entitled to an analysis, script, storyboard, and on top of that find time where we can actually meet all together.  Although we have already met and made the video this weekend.  The video is going to be fun in making it and editing it, but as far as the extra work its hard to get done especially right before spring break when all I want to do is be done! he he he 🙂 

Yay for PSA’s

2 thoughts on “PSA thoughts

  1. jcraciu Said,

    March 2, 2009@ 10:39 am      

    I agree with you Ashley, PSA is a lot of fun but its ending up being a lot more work than i thought. It almost seems like it should be a final project for a class. I also agree that the videos are going to be fun to make, and spring break is right around the corner!

    good post!

  2. bcottri Said,

    March 3, 2009@ 4:48 pm      

    I’m happy to see people are having fun with this project. It is a lot of work, but that is one reason I decided to have you work on these in groups. I think it will make you all feel great to have such cool projects finished up right before break 🙂

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