Computers in school

It is essential to education that computers must be in the school.  Computers help students learn how to research on websites using the internet on a computer.  Computers also help with typing skills, and reading skills.  Some students get information off of databases that are also online.  Students also learn well with “hands on” activities, therefore if you are accessible to computers it is easier for them to learn.  Not only are they important for students, but also important because my father and brother both work for Hewlett-Packard and with having computers in schools helps keep their jobs! 🙂

Part II: Audience-Blind Date

What do you think about computers in schools?  Well, I think computers are important to have in schools because it helps student in the long run.  Students with access to a computer will become better students, because they will learn more about research, typing, and reading.  All of these things will help their literacy with just having atleast 1 computer in the school.

One thought on “Computers in school

  1. Mia Denise Said,

    March 6, 2009@ 10:45 am      

    I like how your first argument is really broad but your second one is more specific. The way that you started the argument targeted at your blind date was nice and made the argument seem more realistic. I like 🙂

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