Litarcy Statistics
These litarcy statistics are quite sad. I know that when I was in fourth grade I was in a special reading class called “chapter one reading.” This made me feel so bad about myself that I was not able to read as well as the others. My dad would read us a story every night, therefore I do not believe it is the parents fault whether they read to you or not. I just did not care for reading. I could read every word, but I just didnt comprehend what I was reading.
I used to babysit a girl who had Cerebral Palsy and am still very good friends of the family, but she can read and is one of the smartest 9 year olds I have ever met. She has read all of the Twilight series. I have not even thought about reading those because they do not strike my fancy.
I do not think that the Adults and Literacy, Health and Literacy, and Employment literacy are relavant because if you are getting a job you would have had to have some type of educational background. Maybe the education is what is the problem with our literacy in younger ages.
When getting a career you would have had to gone to college. If you graduated from college you should be able to take the required work-related training.
These statistics are outragous.