February 6, 2009 Activity 2

“Language existing in other people’s mouths before it exists in ours.”  This quote to me means that we learn from others.  We are expected to pick up things just from the people around us.  They know something before it can actually reach us to understand.  Once we learn what this specific thing is we can teach it to others and then they can teach what they have learned to the people below them.  This is all a cycle of “paying it forward.”

This connects to my literacy project because my parents knew something before me and have taught me everything they knew and now that I am growing into an adult I can teach their same values to my children or the people younger than myself.

3 thoughts on “February 6, 2009 Activity 2

  1. kmayorn Said,

    February 7, 2009@ 2:48 pm      

    I think you made some really good points about the quote from the article. It is true that our parents and others around us teach us something everyday. Also, people older than us obviously have been here longer than us and most likely know more, so we can learn from them as well. I think that you can also see it in a different way. If you take the quote literally, then no matter what we ever say its not original. Someone has said it somewhere or somehow and we are just repeating something someone already knows. It’s weird to think about but I think its true.

  2. bcottri Said,

    February 8, 2009@ 8:03 pm      

    I like how you connected this back to your first project, Ashley. I hadn’t even thought of the quote this way. Nice work! I especially like how you work to make the quote relevant to your own experiences.

  3. kowalsa Said,

    February 13, 2009@ 8:54 am      

    Ashley I think that this definately well written and succinct. From reading your other comments it appears as though you have the ability to get your point across in a precise manner. I am particularly fond of your “paying it forward” comment. Much like the movie, this can have a tremendous effect on families and society. Unfortunately, this can also have a negative effect if people are passing down traditions values that are not healthy. Still, a great analogy nonetheless.

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