February 4, 2009 Homework

Five Viable Topics for my Literacy: I know which topic I would like to do so I am going to only write about this one.

1. Parents- My parents pay for college and many other things in my life and always have been supportive of me in everything I do. They have taught me so much about life and are the biggest role in my development as a literate person. They obviously taught me to read, write, talk, and many other great literacy acts.

My parents sponsor my literacy

Their role in my life is parents, friend, role models, family, and teacher.

Competitions were growing up with my siblings I have 3 older siblings.

Allowing me to choose to go to college and expand on my literacy by paying for me to attend and always being a big part in my life as a growing adult.

I can not wait to write about my parents helping me to become the literate person I am today.

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