Daily Archives: November 7, 2018

Day 20 & 21: 11/ 5 + 11/7

On the 5th, I spent most of my time experimenting with ideas for one of my backgrounds. Trying to find a way to take elements from my left and right pieces proved to be a lot more difficult than I had initially expected. Using pill shapes and the swirling patterns of DNA seemed like an impossible task, but through a bit if trial and error, I was able to create a simple pattern. I decided to utilize the DNA shape, but instead of using dots, I decided to switch them into green paxil pills. To carry over from the pastor piece, I decide to incorporate the prozac pill motif into the centers of the paxil strands, creating an image reminiscent of African inspired cloth. With the time that I put in, I felt relieved that I was able to finally come up with something. Despite that, when I put the image against the others. I felt like something was off about them all together.

This brings me to today’s group critique. Luckily with the help of my group I was able to figure out what was off about my work. It simply felt really busy. The colors were  all at the same intensity, causing them all to blur into each other and be pretty distracting. Since I had my layers up, I was able to work through some of the suggestions I was given  such as adjusting the opacity of my background layers. Just with that small adjustment, I felt like my eyes were able to relax a bit more. I feel like that was definitely a great suggestion for my work. I believe another useful suggestion was adding a sort of halo to my center image. I noticed over time that it was a lot harder to differentiate between the background and the character’s hair. I think the  halo suggestion may really help bring out the line work for the hair much more than it is now. Hopefully with the long weekend ahead I can put a little more work time in with these new suggestions.