Daily Archives: September 6, 2018

Day 3: 9/5

Today’s class was a little hard to sit in on due to more emotional issues. What I can say I did get were several opinions on artists from the previous section. I found myself agreeing with  Cloe’s point on trying to understand how Susan Kae Grant managed to bring her dreams into reality exactly the way she remembered it. When our instructors insisted it was most likely a lot of practice,  I could only think about how much effort possibly went into every shoot she had conducted, and how many hours were possibly spent getting each image just right. That kind of dedication to my craft is something that I hope that I’ll be able to regain before it’s too late, especially after all these years of being hindered.

After I finally calmed myself down after my time outside of class, I reproached a suggestion to me by a few family members that could possibly become the basis of my studio project: “What if you made a story around how you’ve had to cope with your mental illness?” As interesting as having this sort of hurdle in my life explained through the lenses of an African American where mental illnesses are considered a “taboo topic”, something that is heavily stigmatized and something that we simply have to power through on your own with no real resources to cope properly, I think that If i tried a project like that, it may be able to help people like me who feel that they have no one and on where to turn to for help. I guess its just a thought for now.