2 Story Ideas

If you try hard enough, you can get what you want… almost.

Character (dog) wants to hide bone. Dog sees hole in ground. Dog goes toward the hole to bury it, but is stopped in tracks by a jolt of electricity. Dog walks to the left to try to sneak around the the other side, but is shocked again. Dog runs off screen and runs to jump to the hole before he can get shocked. In midair, dog is shocked and lays exhausted, but happy in hole with bone, twitching as screen fades out. (Dog is wearing shock collar in an electrically fenced in yard)


Don’t mess with something bigger than you.

Character walks up and sits down by computer to start typing. Computer does not want to be typed on so it beeps.  Character looks shocked and starts to type harder and faster. Computer beeps four times and spits CD at character to show disapproval. Character pounds on keyboard. Computer mouse comes up and slaps him in the face. Character grabs glass of water, pours it on computer, and walks away as computer sputters and short circuits. Electricity goes out and computer laughs.

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