Developing Stories

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 | Uncategorized

A bicycle can’t stand alone, it is two tired.

A bicycle struggles to balance itself and find something to lean against.  He seems very tired looking for somewhere to rest.  He struggles to position his tires in a way that he will be able to take a break but it is not possible.  He sways back and forth losing patience when he sees a wall.  As he very strategically positions himself next to the wall he begins to lean just so.  He starts to slowly fall towards the wall but then gravity takes its course and when he makes impact with the wall it kicks him the opposite way and he ends up falling on his side.  End credits occur with bicycle in the background now struggling to get back up.

It is a story about a bicycle who wants to rest, this forces him to find something to lean against. He finds a wall and stratigizes how he will prop himself against it.  He over shoots the distance, hits to hard and falls the opposite way.  He now battles getting back up again. 


Movement is measured equally from where we’ve been as to where we’re going.

Character appears to be venturing on long journey.  Has large backpack and all sorts of gear, struggles to put it all on.  We see the character struggling, hunched over and sweating, all close shots.  Very dramatic but as we pan out we realize that he has not gone but a few steps.  Character finally gives up and plops down on bottom.  Looking back and forth from where he was a where he is, he shrugs.  All of the equipment on his back then slowly tips the character backwards so he is now suspended in the air strapped to all of the madness.

It is a story about a traveler who wants to set out on his own. He struggles to strap on his gear and sets out on his own.  After a treterous journey he falls back on welcome mat now body suspended in air attached to all of his belongings. 

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