character profile
Age 23
Evolution/Life Cycle (relative to human?) young adult but with mindset of a child
Height 5 foot
Weight 160
Gender male
Culture primitive/ dark ages
Profession unemployed
Dreams get through life doing nothing more than what he has to
Beliefs things will fall into place for me
Food whatever is around
Weaknesses pretty lazy, and when he sets his mind to something it will get done no matter waht happens
Goals/Ambition to not have to work
Obstacles apathy, own laziness
Sense of Humor sarcastic/ mean
Health good
Family abandoned him/ or so he tells it
Values no values just does what he has to
Environment (Env they feel uncomfortable in? around his own house
Intelligence not to bright in fact kinda low never thinks before he acts
Education drop out
Sex Life none
Idiosyncrasies none
Need/Purpose needs to eat to survive
Nocturnal habits stays up late messing around and drinking and gets up ate in the day
Body Structure out of shape small beer belly
Fears working/ job
Talent getting out of work by getting others to do it
Self View as a genious that just hasnt found what he is good at yet
Addictions none
Flaws apathy, laziness
Pia | October 17th, 2009 at 7:02 pm
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