Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Project 3

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Henry Moore



I enjoy Henry Moore’s work because of the fact that it is stylized. Although you can see that it is of the same figure and same pose. But by using different materials and different techniques Henry has made to sculptures that are in different styles, making them both unique despite using the same exact subject matter.

Nancy Holt



I enjoy many installation work and I’m a huge fan of Nancy’s. She uses things such as swirls and circles, simple designs and puts them out there to see certain natural elements. By doing these simple shapes and putting them out there allows us as the viewer to appreciate and have like a outline of what is out there in the world.
Louise Bourgeoise



I enjoy these two pieces from Louise. Like the two pieces I picked from Moore, they are in the same poses. But different media. But I enjoy how well both are made inorder to achieve its fullest potential. In the metal/shiney one, there is more details and it is shown more realistically. Although the what appears to be a sewed one gives us enough information to see that it is a body in thin air.

David Smith



Smith’s pieces are made of what appears to be steel or some type of sheet metal. Smith is also a modernist and this shows many sharp edges and cubes. Although by playing around and applying texture to the boxes we get a whole new meaning behind it. Atleast when I think of metal, I think shiney metallic and in Smith’s pieces it juxtaposes the normal thinking.

Walter DiMara



DeMaria is an installation artist that works well with space. In the 1st photo is the earthroom, in which he fills up the whole gallery room with dirt. Although the audience could not walk through it, they can understand the sense of space as well as getting the smell from the dirt. As for the steel bars, they are perfectly spaced out and seeing it from many different angles you can also get the sense of a large space.

First Day of ARTC 2010

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Test. C:

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