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Rough Video Proposal

My video will consist of me trying too many things. I will start off by practicing guitar(with my limited knowledge of guitar chords). Then in the next scene I will be trying to do something on the computer by typing on my laptop. Then the next scene will be me trying to sketch on paper. At the end of the different scenes I will throw the item/s down or do something to convey frustration. Audio will consist of me messing up on the guitar, different destructive noises at the end of each shot to illustrate what is happening. The intention of the video will be to show my many interests and how I cant just keep on working on one.


First shot will be a medium close up of me at my desk opening a class book and pulling a binder and taking a sheet of paper out of it. Then close up shot of my finger scanning the text. Cut to medium shot of me writing something on the paper. Then medium shot of me getting frustrated then putting the pencil and paper in the book then closing it. Full shot of me on couch practicing guitar. Then close up of strumming hand then messing up dropping the pick.Then next shot is an extreme close up to frustrated face. Extreme/Close up of me dootling on my paper then erasing it and continue to finish homework. Next shot me walking outside (full shot) then after a short amount of time I check my watch and notice the time and I start to run away from the camera. Next shot medium from profile paper almost filled writing on it then I finish and close the paper in the book get up from chair and walk out door and door closes.

~ by alexaes on March 23, 2010 .

3 thoughts on “Rough Video Proposal

  1.   alexaes Says:

    Do i know you?