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3D Research

First artist: David Smith

Born: 1906
Died: 1965 at the age of 59.
I liked his message in his speech at Ohio University called Tradition and Identity(April 1959)
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Home of the Welder (1945)

Things that I like about this Sculpture is how he summarized  the personality and the tools of a welder. Its small enough to be pleasing to the eye but not to big to overwhelm. One bad thing about it just from looking I can only identify very little of the tools that a welder would use, but then again i have never welded before. This piece of art does look well crafted. The organic shapes add a nice touch by contrasting the geometric shapes that there are more of.

The base shapes he used are very basic it made it somewhat more complex shapes with them. The one one the far right is my favorite. It has some nice unbalance to it.

Cubi sculptures
Cubi sculptures

Second Artist: Joan Miro

Born: 1893

Died:1983 at the age of 90.

The things I like about this work of his is the vivid color he put on it, and the shear size of the sculpture. It almost looks as if the top pieces could fall off. The texture is both smooth and bumpy looking. Its got a cool organic shape to it.

Dona i Ocell
Dona i Ocell (1982)
Femme assise et enfant (1967)

It is a bit to simple. He just attached separate small pieces of art to a chair that he painted. Yet again I do like the vibrant colors and the texture of the surfaces are very appealing.

Third artist: Henry Moore

Born: 1898

Died: 1986 at the age of 88

He did a lot of this simple yet complicated sculptures. You can guess that I is a woman figure because of the hips and other defining components. The exaggerated hips almost make it comical. The color and texture is simple yet elegant by being so smooth and white.

Reclining Figure (1951)
Reclining Figure (1951)

I like the part of the sculpture that almost resembles an ancient Greece or Roman statue. But the one thing that I don’t like about it’s head. Its seems like not much work was put into it, but most of the work was put into making the rest of it.

Draped Reclining Woman
Draped Reclining Woman (1958)

Forth artist: Eva Hesse

Born: 1936

Died: 1970 at the age of 34.

The sculpture reminds me of technology. It is simple yet if you were to encounter it in a gallery it would be strange, because of how it might be a picture frame but it is disturbing of how it looks like it wants to trip a person and maybe absorb them.

Hang Up (1966)
Hang Up (1966)

This one is ingenious of how it it is a 2D/3D picture. Even tho the colors are muted they have a appealing earth tones to it.

Oomamaboomba (1965)
Oomamaboomba (1965)

~ by alexaes on February 18, 2010 .

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