Chapter Nine Thoughts….

Written by apsutte on November 21st, 2010

Chapter nine focuses on the evolution of schools towards the future.  This chapter mentions the importance of making software students use at school available for students at home.  This would allow students to continue their work once they left school and a bigger opportunity to personalize their work as they familiarize themselves with different types of technology and the services those programs can do.  The chapter also mentioned the importance of Internet speed.  Many households don’t have broadband Internet connection and students in these households do not have the same advantages as those who can use the Internet quickly and efficiently from the benefit of a fast connection.  It is discussed that the use of a telephone in the 1930’s was viewed as an essential commodity in American life.  It’s rather astonishing that the Internet is not viewed in a similar light and provided to underprivileged citizens as telephone service is. 

One important thing mentioned in the text concerning education was the sheer vastness of resources available on the Internet.  The chapter mentioned a vision of the future in which teachers could easily recommend software programs, lessons, units, and other resources to each other openly, freely, and easily.  One of the most frustrating things with the Internet is the sheer vastness of it’s size.  There are many wonderful resources available for educators presently but where to find them is another obstacle and can be incredibly frustrating.  How is one suppose to know about a wonderful resource if they don’t know that it exists?  I think it is extremely important that changes be made to assist educators in finding valid information and resources to provide their students so that the instructor’s time can be used more efficiently and the students can be exposed to a variety of learning. 

The text also mentioned the importance of assistive technologies to improve the learning process for students.   These programs would pay attention to how students learned and make recommendations to assist them based upon their preferences and learning style.  As technology, laws, and procedures constantly change, perhaps this sort of technology is one that would benefit multiple users outside of the school.  If this sort of a program were to be adapted for corporations, the training process could become much easier and more cost efficient for companies.  One of the most frustrating aspects of training, is loosing employees after they have completed the training process and have been paid to do so.  If there were a way to reduce employee turnover and save money on the training process by catering the experience to the needs of the learner I think that this would be a highly desirable product.


One thought on “Chapter Nine Thoughts….

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    9:45 pm - 11-22-2010

    Do you have suggestions for this comment? “I think it is extremely important that changes be made to assist educators in finding valid information and resources to provide their students so that the instructor’s time can be used more efficiently and the students can be exposed to a variety of learning.” Again, I think it’s about taking baby steps and setting aside some time for this purpose.

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