Educational Podcast

Written by apsutte on September 19th, 2010

The educational podcast that I found for this assignment is titled  The Technology Teacher.  It can be found at .  This podcast was created by a technology teacher in California named Ron Kroetz.  I listened to episode 11 titled “Google for Educators”.  This podcast encouraged technology teachers to visit and mentioned several cool applications available from that site such as classroom posters, activity suggestions, along with links to helpful google products and how to use them in the classroom.  This podcast would be extremely helpful to me as an educator because it keeps up with new technologies and assists teachers with introducing these applications within their course of study.


One thought on “Educational Podcast

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    9:08 am - 9-20-2010

    Google is taking over. There are so many products available that one doesn’t often know where to begin. This looks like a great place to begin though.

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