Chapter Three Thoughts…

Written by apsutte on September 13th, 2010

Chapter three discusses many new tools found on the Internet that are now available for classroom usage.  What is more interesting than the tools themselves is the innovative ways that teachers are using these tools within the classrooms.  Teachers are exploring the usage of free tools and limitless online communication to better serve their classrooms as their share their ideas.  These instructors then learn from each other and expand upon their personal knowledge to fulfill the needs of the students within their classrooms.  Blogs, Wiki’s, Podcasts, Video sharing and other innovative tools are all assisting current classrooms to communicate and perform at new capacities that were previously impossible for prior generations.

I think that educators must possess a love of learning and not be afraid to make mistakes.  When I first graduated from high school and started taking college courses, the university I attended had build a new building to serve the local school and community.  Many of the classrooms within this building were equipped with new computers and other learning devices.  It was most unfortunate that many of the campus professors were nervous about moving their classes over to the new building.  These instructors had been using overhead projectors for as long as they could remember and the idea of switching their presentations over to powerpoint or another method was really upsetting for them.  Perhaps this was acceptable within a small community college setting, but as a future high school technology and business teacher I have set much higher goals for myself.  I am a huge fan of pirating free and good ideas.  I will of course explore multiple tools available for my classroom and do my best to understand the features and applications for these online and interactive tools but perhaps what is more important to me is the concept of sharing and borrowing other ideas as well.  Many teachers make their interactive white board lessons available online and other teachers view them and change the content to fit the needs of their class.  This is the type of resourcefulness that teachers must posses. 

Businesses would stand to gain a lot from the notion of borrowing good ideas as well.  I believe that it is important for businesses to pay attention to the technology advancements that occur within their surrounding educational institutions.  It should be easier for local businesses to work with schools for research, community outreach, and promotional purposes.  Businesses need to open up a stronger line of communication to schools and schools would benefit to do the same.  As teachers learn from sharing ideas with each other so can corporations and schools learn from collaboration.


One thought on “Chapter Three Thoughts…

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    1:40 pm - 9-17-2010

    Yes, faculty must keep up with the technology to be efficient and effective.

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