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Working with architects.

Sunday, June 28th, 2009


Working with architects is one ordeal I will not soon forget.  Being the only digital artist in the group, I did enjoy having the insight and perspective of 3 architects in the group.  However I kept feeling as though I never had a final say in most of the modeling matters, where I am most proficent at.  At time when unity was key, I felt as though everyone was going a seperate direction, or did not know where else to go.  I don’t claim to know much about buildings, but I felt as though some of the changes made to what I had orignally planned out had no reason to be changed. Nor, when they were changed without me knowing, I wasn’t told why they were changed.  I don’t mind that they were changed for the interest of the store, just having some insight on it for future reference would be great.  I don’t feel as though I learned much from my group, which I was hoping to be a learning experience. This project has definitly changed my views on architects.

Final Project – Freebie Store

Saturday, June 27th, 2009


My main job in the making of the store was being one of the main modelers, layout and design of the store.  I wanted the store to be big to allow for the awkward avatar movement and to allow plenty of space for anything that might need to be added to the store.



In the design of the column, I decided to put a twist on the creation by using six 1/4 cylinders and hollowing them out then inverting them so that it gives the concave section of pillars.


For the rooms, after getting a talking to about how square modernistic buildings are seen far to often, I put a spin on it by making the rooms more cylinder-esque. My original rooms were connected all the way through, but after the group had looked at it, we decided to put dividing walls up.


I am most proud of the roof. This was one of the few objects I chose the texture for.  I love natural light in buildings and I thought it was would be a nice addition in this building, giving it a more open, grandeur feeling.  To make the center roof I took 3 sections of cylinders, hollowed them out, cut them in half and squashed them down, giving it a long archway of a look. Curve surfaces are a re-occurring theme throughout the building, because I tend to agree, square is getting rather old.


The room I was in charge of was the clothing room.


I designed the shirt after a button up, and the textures remind me of hawaiian shirts.  I started with a square, and after hollowing and cutting it, I made another one for the other half. Then taking 2 triangles and squashing them flat for the collar flaps. I used a squashed, flattened, hollowed, half circle for the collar. I wil have to fix the texture on the sleeves, but they are also a section of a flattened circle.

Platform (revised)

Friday, June 12th, 2009


For the upstairs I used the Gamble House as a bit of a reference. But instead of using wood textures for a rustic feel, I used metal textures for a industrial feel, which I feel makes it look more modernistic.  One of the things I like about the Gamble house is how it fits so well into the environment. Unfortunately, I cannot make plants in 2nd life without permission, so I attempted to make some flowers, as seen at the bottom of the page.


This is a picture of the bottom floor of my platform. This area I was playing with textures. I intend for this area to be a gallery of work.



Aerial few of the platform. I used mostly metallic textures for the platform and changed the transparency to create a glass look for the upstairs.


A picture of a flower I made on the sill of the top balcony. I used circles and cylinders to create the flower. The textures I used were metal textures, to give it a matching industrial feel with the house.

Office Space (without people)

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009




The reoccuring theme of the office is glass and steel and black leather, adding a transparent, yet clean cut and refined view to the room. I made all the furniture with simple shapes and the same texture of glass and black leather. The tree was made of tube shapes by adjusting the tapering and the circle radius several times, giving it a glass, hair, leaf look.

Office Space

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009


This is a picture of the office I created. I used glass and metal textures to create a sterile looking environment, also giving it a modernistic appeal. I used simple shapes for the furniture, to give them a minimalistic look. I like the transparency of glass, because when the cushions sit on them, it looks as though its floating.




On an asthetic note, glass also creates alot of trust.  People can see what your doing all the time. Giving to a structured, clean cut appearence.

Starting the Second week.

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

I think I am getting a grasp on how to maneuvar through Second life and how to utilize the creation aspect of it.  While the process for me has been a little slow and tideous, I am really beginning to enjoy using Second Life.  There are some aspects that I wish i could change, such as camera angles and scaling options, I have been able to cope with it though and find alternative routes. I really hope I can make something outstanding this semester and have it added to my protfolio.

I watched the Mies Van der Rohe youtube video, I thought it was an amazing replica of the building.  I also thought that the reflexive architecture was astounding. To build something interactive like that would be awesome.

My Platform

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Construction has slowed down a little bit. I seem to be struggling after the first week. I started out strong, now I don’t know which direction I want to take it.

I do like the spiral staircase I added, just not sure what I want to do with it yet.  I also like the transparency of all my walls and the images on each side, not sure if there is a relative them going though.  Also, at first, I enjoyed the roof created, but now I am having second thoughts about it.

Second Life

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

I have been messing around on Second life for the past 2 hours.  Set up was easy, I enjoyed creating my avatar, and the customization that went into creating him.  There are still some areas I am confused about, such as customizing clothing. Orientation Island was a little helpful. It helped me figure out how to create objects, which I had a great time doing. I think the online tutorials were of more help then the island.  I have not interacted with any one yet. I’ve been in an area with a bunch of people talking on mics but I just passed on through. I still don’t understand where I am supposed to go however.

The tutorial videos helped quite a bit. I was able to gain an better understanding of some of the aspects of Second Life, but at the same time I feel as though some of the videos were insulting my intelligence.  Granted I am a beginner and don’t know alot about second life yet, but I think I know that “sit” will make my avatar sit down. The profile video helped quite a bit as well.

I am really looking forward to modeling in this class. I would like to gain a good understanding of modeling and animation because I enjoy Maya alot and my major is Digital Art.

Hello world!

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!