Final Project – Freebie Store


My main job in the making of the store was being one of the main modelers, layout and design of the store.  I wanted the store to be big to allow for the awkward avatar movement and to allow plenty of space for anything that might need to be added to the store.



In the design of the column, I decided to put a twist on the creation by using six 1/4 cylinders and hollowing them out then inverting them so that it gives the concave section of pillars.


For the rooms, after getting a talking to about how square modernistic buildings are seen far to often, I put a spin on it by making the rooms more cylinder-esque. My original rooms were connected all the way through, but after the group had looked at it, we decided to put dividing walls up.


I am most proud of the roof. This was one of the few objects I chose the texture for.  I love natural light in buildings and I thought it was would be a nice addition in this building, giving it a more open, grandeur feeling.  To make the center roof I took 3 sections of cylinders, hollowed them out, cut them in half and squashed them down, giving it a long archway of a look. Curve surfaces are a re-occurring theme throughout the building, because I tend to agree, square is getting rather old.


The room I was in charge of was the clothing room.


I designed the shirt after a button up, and the textures remind me of hawaiian shirts.  I started with a square, and after hollowing and cutting it, I made another one for the other half. Then taking 2 triangles and squashing them flat for the collar flaps. I used a squashed, flattened, hollowed, half circle for the collar. I wil have to fix the texture on the sleeves, but they are also a section of a flattened circle.

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