Artxposed #2

October 27th, 2008




One Earth and One Family; The China Earthquake                                                                                 


September 26. 2008                                                                               


BGSU, Kobacker Hall                                                                                   


Please choose the type of event from below and include in your blog post

(Only the events listed below fulfill the artsXpose requirement):


 Exhibition* (non-course related)       


1.)  Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended.  This section should remain journalistic and should not be reflective of your opinion

 The show started out with a slideshow about the China Earthquake and all of its damage to the area, and to unite people to help them. After the slideshow was 5 pieces of music played by the Toledo International Orchestra. The music was a variety of tempos [speed], meanings, and compositions.


2.)  Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event.  How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you? 

This show was really beautiful and touching. Before the music started, as I stated before, they had a slideshow of all the hurt, suffrage, and damage done to China. Many times before music is played, the pieces are explained so the listener can get an idea of what the music means and then interpret it in their own way. The slideshow really put things in perspective and helped me make my visions for the music.  Then the music started, all the pieces were very different. The first was very fast and seemed more upbeat while the quiet and sad.


3.)  What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?

 I was most impressed by the overall sound of the orchestra and the way that they portrayed the theme that they were going for. I was completely mesmerized the entire time I was sitting in that seat! I used to play in my school band, and hearing this and watching them play, has made me want to go back and start playing music again!


4.)  Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?
10 also!


5.)  Justify your rating in the question above:

The music in this show was so blissful and lovely to listen to, that I wouldn’t have wanted to spend that time doing anything else. It was inspiring to hear how much time and effort these people put into the music, and how much the music represented the China Earthquake. Beautiful Job to the people to put this all together!


No Pictures were allowed :[

Artxposed #1

October 27th, 2008


Title Blog post “Artsxpose #1, 2, 3 ect…


Black Swamp Arts Festival                                                                                       


September 5-7                                                                              


Downtown Bowling Green, Main Street                                                        


Please choose the type of event from below and include in your blog post

(Only the events listed below fulfill the artsXpose requirement):


 Exhibition* (non-course related)       


1.)  Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended.  This section should remain journalistic and should not be reflective of your opinion

The portion of Main Street that is in “downtown” got completely blocked off and is filled with exhibits. There are artists visiting from out of town, local artists, food, different types of live music, student work, children’s activities, and much more.  There are many types of artwork there for example, photography, pottery, ceramics, metal works, paintings and such. It’s fun to walk around and get to view the many different types of beautiful works.


2.)  Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event.  How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you? 

  I have lived in Bowling Green my entire life and have been to this arts festival nearly every single year. Never does it fail to amaze me though. I am absolutely astounded by everything there, and all artist should aspire to do work that well. I went the first day/night and again the second day to purchase a couple things. I heard one band, but didn’t get close enough to find out whom it was, and purchased a piece of metal work and a necklace, both of which I love. Everything that was there was beautiful, I was in complete aw. 


3.)  What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?

As I said before, the whole festival is completely amazing. If I had to choose a part that impressed me the most, it would have to be the blown glass and the demonstrations that had to view. I’ve always really thought blown glass was really beautiful and I wanted to learn, but being able to see it all right in front of me has made me want to take a class on it, even more!


4.)  Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?


5.)  Justify your rating in the question above:

Everything I saw exceeded my expectations and was completely worthwhile. If I could have stayed there all day and bought every single piece of work, I would have. I plan to continue going to the festival every year, it couldn’t have been better!


Blog Entry #2: Part 3

October 20th, 2008

In this scanned picture it actually reversed the colors, and I’m not sure why. But in any case, the black is supposed to be white and vise verse.

When I started out with this assignment I had the hardest time trying to figure out what objects I wanted to use. I started with nail polish and lipstick, but quickly decided that I had no passion towards those objects. That’s when I decided to do a beach towel, a beach ball, and an umbrella. All which have the same theme: the beach. To me the beach, or just a body of water in general, brings warmth inside and a peace of mind. Whenever I am there I have no worries, frustrations, or responsibilities. All I have to worry about is not getting too burnt. :] I hope the beach brings everyone a little piece of what I feel for it, because everyone deserves to have that little vacation from reality while being there.

I like my final composition a lot more than I thought I would when I started out. I really like how I have a lot of figure ground reversal, I think it makes the piece as a whole a lot more interesting and the flow is all over the page. The dominant structure is the giant beach ball coming into the bottom right corner. The towel at the bottom got cut off a little, but it serves as an accentual figure and has subordinate spaces in between, serving as stripes.  Everything has a purpose for where it’s positioned in the piece and I believe each spot has it’s correct fit.

Image Essay #5: Overlap

October 15th, 2008

Overlap Photo! [for some reason it wouldn’t let me post it..]

Overlapping is by far one of the most common techniques used in all aspect of art now and forever. When looking for a photo to analyze for this, hundreds came up, and in a bunch of different mediums as well. With overlap you get a sort of 3-D notion, because to the eye every object just sits on top of one another. None are cut off or cut out of the piece; they’re just not the object that is on top. So for example in this piece, there are many words because used, all just sitting on top of one another. The words overlap through different letters, and when they overlap with another they change color. As the words get closer and closer to the viewer in a sense, they become darker and larger; the artist is using dominance and figure-ground reversal. With all of these elements and especially with the three at once, there’s a very strong 3-D feeling. It’s obvious that this is not at all flat.

Image Essay #4: Value

October 9th, 2008

This image is a sketch of pumpkins which shows perfect value of each and every one of them. Not to mention that it’s fall, almost Halloween and thanksgiving, which is the perfect time for pumpkins. Thiw makes me want pumpkin pie terribly. :] Most of this sketch is very dark value, but the values do change frequently. Plus there are white highlights when it was completely necessary. The value scale was used in this sketch, and makes the picture look very realistic in certain aspects, like the blanket where the viewer can see every fold and it makes it look like I could reach into the computer and grab it and pick it up. The pumpkins (and the random apple) look perfectly round also because of the scale and highlights. This is an above average example because its showing value and how it is important and effective if used properly all throughout an art piece.

Image Essay #3: Broken Pattern

October 9th, 2008

The moment I saw this term on the list, I thought of this exact picture. I first saw this picture a couple years ago on a random website and it was used to signify “unique,” which would make sense that it’s being used here because the yellow smiley is something different, an area of focus and a pattern break. All of the smiley faces are exactly the same with the same sad look on their faces and everything, except the yellow one which your eye automatically goes directly to as soon as you look at the photo. That’s what a pattern break is, when you have a bunch of the same thing and suddenly out of random, the object changes either slightly or drastically in size, shape, color, etc. The yellow smiley is without a doubt the area of focus in this piece.  Although the piece looks like it was thrown together like a random collage, it gets the point across quite well.



Image Essay #2: Dominant

October 8th, 2008

In class we were constantly told that when we think of dominance, to think of the little burnt fry in the bottom of the container and an entire dump truck full of fries; the dump truck is obviously the dominant one. This composition is the perfect example of dominance. The position of the two dogs are about the same as is the color but the two dogs are about as different in size as can be, but the position is quite effective in moving the eye. The composition is comparing a giant dog which takes up about half of the compositions plane and a tiny puppy that  takes up about an eighth of it. Whenever I look at this piece I am constantly looking from one dog head to the other and then around kind of in a giant circle. Although it  moves the eye around, it mostly makes the viewer focus on the differences between the two and makes you analyze smaller details in the two .

Image Essay #1: Curvilinear Shape

October 6th, 2008

With the light behind this sculpture the curvilinear lines and shapes really stand out and take a specific shape. Where the light is placed it makes the middle of the sculpture darker and insignificant where the rest has beautiful highlights to show the curves all throughout the piece until the ends where it gets dark again and leaves the illusion that the curves go on forever. When looking at the piece your eyes start out in the middle and move back and forth from all of the posts that burst from within the center, eyes move all around the piece. Not to mention, the piece looks as if it’s floating in mid air. If it was mounted on something, for example a wall, it would still be a great example of a curvilinear shape, but it might be less appealing to the eye. Plus, the positive and negative ground of the piece would be opposite and it might not lead the eye around as effectively.

Blog Entry #1: All About Me :]

August 26th, 2008

I guess I will start out by introducing myself. I’m Abby Murphy and I’ve lived in the same place for my entire life; Weston, Ohio. I will be the first to complete college in my family, and I am hoping to major in Graphic Design. I went to Otsego High School obviously for all four years and took full schedules for 3 and PSO at Owens for a few classes of my last. In all those classes I didn’t take a single art, seeing as I really had no idea what I wanted to be until a few months into my senior year. The only real art that I have done and finished is a few projects and a ton of photography. I make art to express my feelings at certain times and segments of my life.

Magazines, billboards, and modern art inspire me the most and give me most and the best of all my ideas. The new ways of creating art is just so inspiring. Its fresh and makes me want to learn the ways that they do those things and come up with those ideas. I aspire to be an artist on the same level as the creators of major ads and billboards. They inspire me to make art, and make every piece my own.

 I’ve used colored pencils, clay, cut glass, cameras, pastels, and now ink.  I did a few smaller projects in colored pencil involving a ‘replica’ of a Georgia O’Keefe piece. A few years back I made a polar bear out of clay, which was a vigorous process of firing and painting and re-firing. I’ve also made a cut glass and grout piece for a stepping stone sort of thing, an 18’ by 20’ pastel flower piece that’s hanging in my living room, and our ink projects for class. Not to mention the hundreds of pictures I have all over and on disks and computers documenting my every move since I bought the camera. I virtually take pictures of everything, such as documenting people’s emotions and my favorite is scenery of beautiful and new places. 

Lastly, I love the Toledo Art Museum. I visit there as often as possible and enjoy wondering around to see something new. If anyone hasn’t been there I would highly recommend venturing up to see it. It’s inexpensive and I always end up wondering around for hours. Not to mention that they always have new exhibits to look at. On the other hand, I’ve never been to a Gallery or Art studio. I really want to visit  one though, from what I’ve heard and seen about them they seem really interesting and a good thing to experience.