Blog Entry #2: Part 3

In this scanned picture it actually reversed the colors, and I’m not sure why. But in any case, the black is supposed to be white and vise verse.

When I started out with this assignment I had the hardest time trying to figure out what objects I wanted to use. I started with nail polish and lipstick, but quickly decided that I had no passion towards those objects. That’s when I decided to do a beach towel, a beach ball, and an umbrella. All which have the same theme: the beach. To me the beach, or just a body of water in general, brings warmth inside and a peace of mind. Whenever I am there I have no worries, frustrations, or responsibilities. All I have to worry about is not getting too burnt. :] I hope the beach brings everyone a little piece of what I feel for it, because everyone deserves to have that little vacation from reality while being there.

I like my final composition a lot more than I thought I would when I started out. I really like how I have a lot of figure ground reversal, I think it makes the piece as a whole a lot more interesting and the flow is all over the page. The dominant structure is the giant beach ball coming into the bottom right corner. The towel at the bottom got cut off a little, but it serves as an accentual figure and has subordinate spaces in between, serving as stripes.  Everything has a purpose for where it’s positioned in the piece and I believe each spot has it’s correct fit.

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