1/30 Blog

Using the feedback during class, I will be able to develop my theme within my visual narrative more thoroughly. Since I have a pretty good start on my assignment, I was able to consider my group member’s feedback better than if I had not started. I have only a few finishing touches in order to complete my visual narrative assignment. My group members liked the ideas I had for my visual narrative and the creative things I am planning on using to complete my project. We also dicussed citations during our group conversation. We brought up issues that we were unsure of and asked Brittany for instruction. After the feedback I received during our writing group discussion, I realized I am going to have to revise my visual narrative assignment in the area of citation, because I was not aware of everything that needed to be cited. I will have to review my assignment before completion and include a citation according to the appropriate sources. Talking with my writing group members gave me more ideas and creative insight to my project and I may be able to include citations to compliment my theme, rather than just including a Works Cited page. Hearing what Danielle and Jilian are planning for their visual narratives helped me reaffirm whether or not I was headed in the right direction. While Danielle plans to use her visual narrative to show progression, I plan to present a common theme. Using the criterion for the visual narrative assignment on the sheet Brittany gave each group was also very beneficial.

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