Reflective Introduction

Table of Contents:

Unit One: Personal Literacy

Unit Two: Technology and Literacy

Unit Three: Professional Literacy

My name is Alana Jacobs and I am a junior Bowling Green State University transfer student. I want to receive a bachelor in Integrated Language Arts.  I am from a small town called Elmore and I commute to BGSU three days a week. I have worked at Elmore’s local library for six years and working there has geared my choice in career to ideally become a high school librarian. I come from a family of four: myself, my parents, and my only sibling, Michael. He is a freshman at BGSU. I love to read fiction novels; I always have one novel that I read for fun along with keeping up with school required readings. The portfolio is part of the final project for my English 207 class. The goal of my portfolio is to showcase all of my work during this course. During this course, I completed several different projects for three separate units. The first unit was called Personal Literacy, in which we explored our literacy through a visual narrative and a literacy narrative essay. My visual narrative was in the form of a collage and featured library literacy. This was the most enjoyable project out of all three units. The literacy narrative essay also discussed my literacy in libraries, and how working at libraries has affected, impacted, and changed my literacy capabilities. The second unit was called Technology and Literacy, in which we explored our literacy through a group PSA project and a rhetorical analysis essay. In my group’s PSA, we created a video about the dangers of teachers posting inappropriate photos on social networks such as Facebook. In the rhetorical analysis essay, I analyzed the effectiveness and appeal of a video on YouTube; the video on YouTube was an anti-smoking campaign. The third unit was called Professional Literacy, in which we explored literacy through creating a resume and cover letter and writing an essay that asked us to re-see one of our projects from the semester, or to simply re-see literacy in a new way. My cover letter and resume was made to be tailored to fit a job posting that I was interested in. I believe this assignment will be one of the most beneficial out of all of the projects because I will be able to use this after my education career is finished as I begin to apply for jobs. Lastly, the re-seeing essay asked me to revisit literacy in a new way. I chose to discuss lesson plans functioning as a professional literacy.


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