Rhetorical Analysis PSA

Quit Smoking

I want to use this PSA because of it’s use of graphic images. I feel the topic of being against smoking is wonderfully represented by this PSA because of the somewhat disturbing images. The realism of the video will help me write my rhetorical analysis.

3 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis PSA

  1. dancomp
    8:48 am - 3-20-2009

    You certainly are right about the graphic images in your PSA! I watched the clip and couldn’t believe some of the images that they used. Do you think this was ever shown on TV?

  2. lpate
    9:38 am - 3-23-2009

    I totally agree about the graphic images! I don’t think I have ever seen this PSA before now. I wonder if it is due to how graphic it is. It seems like a good PSA to analyze!

  3. abremer
    9:37 am - 3-25-2009

    Wow! where did you find this PSA? This is really awesome because it shows what is being done with your lungs and your body. Although, this is veyr graphic I think it proves a point.

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