Friday Activity 2

Activity 2
The start of literacy in its simplest terms did not originate from people of our time. However, new literacies are developed every minute. Yesterday’s newly discovered literacy is history; unless you are the original creator, the new literacy had already existed before it reached yourself. The growth in literacy variety has improved, changed, and greatly impacted my own literacy development. I feel that with every new language formed by literacy, whether it is visual or spoken, comes a better advantage over generations before me. Therefore, generations after me will also acquire more literacy capabilities and will bypass my strength in new literacy just as I have with my earlier counterparts.   

2 thoughts on “Friday Activity 2

  1. snye
    7:52 pm - 2-5-2009

    I think this is a very strong blog. Everything you said made plenty of sense and is interesting because I feel most people do not view literacy like this, but you put it in an understanding meaningful way. Very nice.

  2. amsiefk
    9:07 am - 2-6-2009

    I agree with your idea that literacies existed before someone taught it to you. I said that it was kind of like passing down family stories from generation to generation. Good luck with your narrative!

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