
How does being mutli-lingual positively or negatively effect one’s literacy capabilities?

2 thoughts on “Question!

  1. kmayorn
    10:33 am - 1-30-2009

    Being mulit-ligual I think, can only be positive in one’s literacy capabilities. No matter if you are mulit-lingual or not, being able to communicate with others is key to being literate. Being able to speak other languages is only advantageous to one’s own literacy.

  2. bcottri
    10:42 am - 2-1-2009

    I agree with Karie’s comment, Alana. I know that until I took French in high school English grammar never made sense to me. Learning French grammar for some reason made me understand how to apply (at least basics) to English and has helped me. Though I do wonder if it might complicate literacy capabilities at the same time (esp. depending on level of fluency). What do you think? (just FYI, you don’t have to respond to me raising this question but I would be interested in hearing what your thoughts are or if you’ve thought about how you would answer it).

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