ACS Alumnus Randall Norris at BGSU 10/15-10/16

ACS alumnus Randall Norris will be meeting with ACS graduate students and speaking at BGSU.

ACS graduate students will have a brown-bag lunch with him on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 12:30PM, in 103 East Hall.

He will be speaking on “Speaking for those Whose Voices Would Not Otherwise Be Heard” on Tuesday, October 15 at 7PM in BAA 1007.

A graduate of the American Culture Studies PhD  Program at Bowling Green State University, Dr.  Randall Norris is a professor of English and American culture studies at Sauk Valley Community College in Dixon, Illinois. He is an award-winning fiction writer, humanities presenter and author, filmmaker, and has written 30 grants of which all 30 have been funded. In addition he has done numerous television and radio appearances and several humanities presentations in both the United States and Canada.
His books Women of Coal and most recently Highway 61—Heart of the Delta resulted from a partnership with award-winning French photographer Jean Philippe Cypres. For the past  twenty years Professor Norris and Jean Phillippe have dedicated themselves to producing public humanities projects and books (photo-essays) that focus on social justice issues, where they… “provide a place for people to speak whose voices would not otherwise be heard.”

For more, see Randall Norris Flyer_10-15-13

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