Week 5

This week was sort of a stale week.  I have not received a response from them yet and do not seem to get time to call.  I am gearing up for the October 1st shoot at Owens Community College for the Octtaber Fest. Once I hear about a host or get my potential person locked in I will be able to go forward.  Also this week was just working on Cost Analysis and talking to some videographers I know in order to find out good pricing. Although they are not paying me for this, this will help me later.

Comments (2)

LaurenSeptember 25th, 2011 at 10:53 pm

I know your frustration with not hearing from the client you are working with. I recently did a site for one of my friends and delt with this! It was extremely frustrating because I was in the middle of the previous designer and the client. They refused to work together with me and trying to hear back from them was so hard! I hope you hear back from someone soon in order to get working on stuff. Best of luck!

lfugettSeptember 29th, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Good luck on your shoot this weekend. I hope that your client has contacted you and that the camera issue has been resolved. If you need assistance with that, please let me know.

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