blog post

I could do a paper about the legalization of marijuana.

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Blog Post 4

Massachusetts lawmakers proposed a law that would make spanking your child illegal. This is a measure to prevent child abuse. In all 50 states parents are allowed too and in 29 state teachers using corporal punishment is illegal. Should parents not be able to spank there children? does it have a negative effect on the psychologically on children?

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Blog post 3

I looked up an article on whether the war in iraq was worth it and then i got to trying to see if the war in iraq was about oil. A representative to the prime minister of the U.K. said it was. Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world. The war was aimed to benefit western economies. Blair has said he wants the revenues from the oil to go into a fund to help rebuild iraq. I think that was a great idea. Iraq is losing 55 million dollars a day in oil revenue.

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Blog post 2

I read an article about why obama is leaving iraq. He says that the troops will leave iraq this year with their heads held high. He is fulfilling his promise of ending the war in iraq. The way that obama has handled the war is popular with american and even one out of every two republicans agree with him. Iraq is now self reliant and democratic. However it is unclear whether iraq will be able to maintain this. Obama says that they just want to make sure iraq succeeds and be a model for all the other middle eastern countries.

America is always trying to make other countries democratic which is why we are hated by most other countries.

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Why are we in Iraq?

We have been in a war since 2001 and it has been one of the longest wars in U.S. history and i hardly know anything about it. Nobody ever really talks about it and I haven’t learned anything about it. My goal with this is to find out what people have been saying about the war and especially about what the government has been saying.’re%20in%20iraq&st=cse

In the article it says that the soldiers didn’t know what they were getting into and they wondered if the president even knew. The Iraq soldiers ambush the americans using guerilla warfare. The article says the war was never to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction but consolidating american power in the arab nations. Iraq maybe a place for america which Afghanistan was for the soviet union to fight against Islamic jihad. In the article it also says that there has hardly ever been a year that american soldiers have not been overseas. This article in the New York Times is very long and should be a crucial piece in my research paper.


What are the main reasons we are in Iraq?

What do the people think about the war.

What is actually going on in Iraq, and what are some of the things we are doing.

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No impact man

I went and saw the move for no impact man. I thought it was very interesting and a different look on the experiment Colin Beaven did. I thought colin was a bit of a weenier and didnt really like him. Overall i liked the view of the movie and it was cool to see it in person.

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Hello world!

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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