Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011...12:28 pm

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

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I looked at the article titled “Students’ Attitudes in a Virtual Environment (Second Life)” by  Amal Alrayes and Alistair Sutcliff.  Since I hear about how teachers should use virtual environments to promote learning, I wanted to know what actual students thought about it.

In this article, the authors interviewed and questioned 2nd year undergraduate students taking the Business Team Project module.  These students use Second Life for collaboration with other students.  The questionnaires given to the students asked students to rate the Second Life experience compared to a face-to-face experience.  The students also had to rate the effectiveness of using Second Life for learning.  According to the information they received, students enjoyed using Second Life, although there are some problems with it that would make the experiences even better.   Overall, 82% of students thought it was okay for casual discussions and interactions, and 53% thought Second Life was good for presenting work for others to see.  Only 18% of students thought Second Life was good for formal university lessons, although 41% thought that it was good for tutorials.

Teachers can use Second Life for student collaboration.  In my marketing class, my students could use Second Life as a way to communicate and collaborate online rather than having to meet face-to-face.  I know all of my students have jobs and many are involved in sports.  This makes arranging schedules difficult, so the Second Life meetings would be much easier to arrange.

As discussed in my Chapter 7 post, businesses can also use Second Life to get more reactions to certain products and advertise other products.  Businesses could ask random people to answer a questionnaire about products.

The research was very interesting, and I am glad that I looked at this article.  The information is extremely relevant to me, since I would like my students to be able to collaborate online on group assignments and projects rather than having to deal with the hassle of face-to-face meetings.  Plus, I know that my students most likely would not like having any lessons through the virtual environment.


Alrayes, A., & Sutcliff, A.  (2011, July).  Students’ Attitudes in a Virtual Environment (Second Life).  Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, v. 4.  Retrieved from



4 thoughts on “Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

  1. I think that teachers using virtual environments to promote learning is total must nowadays! This way would be much easier for students to collaborate and share oppinions.

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